Inilah kali pertamanya saya merasakan capenya kerja . 6 Juni 2010 . Ketemu orang-orang baru, belajar bagaimana melayani customer dengan baik, belajar bagaimana menghandle sebuah masalah. Awalnya saya merasa tidak yakin bisa menghadapi situasi yang belum pernah saya hadapi sebelumnya. Hari pertama yang penuh dengan kebingungan. Belum begitu mengerti apa yang harus saya lakukan. Sampai akhirnya saya melewati fase sulit saya. Setelah saya jalani ternyata saya menikmati pekerjaan saya. Walaupun awalnya saya kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan beberapa customer tapi saya terus mencoba. Rasa cape terbayar ketika saya menerima sebuah amplop yang tak lain itu adalah GAJI PERTAMA saya. Rasa senang, bangga dan haru bercampur aduk. Saya yang selalu dibilang manja ternyata bisa menghasilkan uang sendiri walaupun tak seberapa tapi itu menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri buat saya. Banyak pengalaman berharga yang saya dapat selama bergabung di Team KALBE NUTRITIONALS ini.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
U N C O M P L I T E D !
Pagi ini bangun dengan perasaan campur aduk ! Berpikir tentang kesalahan saya tadi malam . Bukan bermaksud menyinggung seseorang tapi memang itu yang saya rasa ditambah lagi dengan keadaan yang membuat otak saya jungkir balik.
Saya harus pergi ke Bandung hari ini . Lama berpikir akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pergi. Perasaan ga karuan selama perjalanan sangat mengganggu. Bimbingan yang kacau akhirnya kena marah dosen tapi tetap sabar dan tak berkomentar apa" karena saya menyadari kesalahan saya. Mood saya bener" kurang baik pagi ini. "Emaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" suara terdengar dari pojok kanan ruang Dosen. Tak ada tanggapan apapun dari saya karna itu tadi "Mood saya kurang bagus hari ini".
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh !!! Kostan yang cukup sepi membuat saya lebih tenang.
Ingin pulang ke rumah tapi laporan belum selesai di revisi masih banyak yang harus diperbaiki menjadi hambatan keinginan saya. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. saya bener" pusing hari iniiiii ..
Perasaan apa ini ? Seddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhh ???
Entahlahhh .. need someone to share tapi tak ada seorangpun di sini . Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pergi. Sekedar refreshing !!!! Sedikit lebih baik .. Walaupun harus jalan-jalan sendiri, makan sendiri tapi tetap saya nikmati. Semua dimaksud untuk membuat mood saya baik. Tapi begitu sampai di kostan dan melihat keadaan kostaan yang begitu sepi, semuanya kembali seperti tadi siang.
Sediiiihhhhh ... tak ada seorangpun di sini :(
Lagu yang saya pasang di Playlist cukup banyak lumayanlah bisa menjadi teman sepi saya.
Saya kangen .. Xaa kangen !! Siapa ? Diaaaaa ...
Dia yang setiap hari ada disini
Dia yang setiap hari menjadi teman saya
Seeeeeeeeeeeeepppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Saya sendiri di siniii ...
Menangis mungkin membuat saya sedikit lega !!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Recipe: Protein bars (Zuzana's recipe)
I can't stop making this! It's delicious!
But, you eat it only after your workout if you're trying to loose weight (but if you don't have problem with that you can eat them as a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks...), that's like award to yourself for finished training :)
I will copy text and picture here, but if you want to see in pictures every step go HERE
- 1 and 1/2 cup of nut meal (about 60g)
- 3 cups of oats (about 120g)
- 2tbs of honey
- 1 small cup of coconut milk
- 1/2 cup of shredded coconut
- 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 3 scoops of vanilla flavored protein powder (I don't use this, 'cause I don't have it)
How to prepare:
Nut meal is basically blended nuts. Just take two cups of mixed nuts and blend them in your food processor into a powder like nut 'meal'. Mix it with other ingredients in a bowl. Spread the mixture into a non-stick baking sheet (small one) and bake it in the oven for about 15-20 minutes until the top is nicely brown.
xoxo Elena
Top Hat vs Floppy Hat at Paris Fashion Week
The battle of the fashion bloggers always takes center stage during fashion weeks. Here we have two french bloggers showing us how they like to wear their hats.
Louise of
wearing black top hat, with blue skirt and Givenchy cut out boots.
Alix of
wearing floppy gray hat and wide leg Missoni pants.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Kenangan Renggaris
at Campus STBA Yapari-ABA |
Banyak hal seru yang terjadi disini :))
Ini namanya Natasya Rizky .Tapi anak-anak manggil di dengan sebutan "Mami Tasya". Mami ini orangnya paling dewasa diantara anak-anak Rengganis yang lain. Secara ya diliat dari umurnya aja udah tua :)) haha ..Dia orangnya asik diajak sharing mami inilah yang selalu menampung cerita-cerita kita dari mulai sedih, seneng semuanya dehh .. Aku udah anggep mami kaya kakak sendiri . Diantara anak rengganis yang lain dialah yang paling deket sama aku . Makanya pas tau dia pindah lagi ke Jakarta jujur aku sedih banget .. Karena dari awal aku di Bandung dialah yang selalu nemenin saya walau kadang dia suka nyebelin tapi dia care banget sama semuanya ..
Kalo yang ini namanya Bella Jenita Sherliyanti. Si bulet yang satu ini paling muda umurnya diantara anak-anak yang lain . Tapi liat dong tidak sesuai kan sama umurnya yang masih muda hahha ..
Hmmmm .. Dia collector DVD lohh .. saya masih inget banget waktu saya masih kost di Rengganis koleksi DVD nya sampe satu lemari . Bella bisa dibilang jorok bangettt .. Bisa dilihatlah dari kamarnya yang selalu berantakan . Eh tapi giliran dia rajin, rajin banget loh sampe butuh waktu berjam-jam buat beresin kamar doang. Kadang kita suka ngga tega masuk ke kamarnya dia kalo lagi rapih . Soalnya bener-bener rapih banget dehhh ..
Ini namanya Niluh Putu Pebby Ayu Astuti panjang banget ya namanya :)) Tapi kita cukup panggil di Pebby bukan Febby ya hehe .. Gayanya yang tomboy ga cocok deh sama sifatnya yang manja . Kalian pasti heran kalo pertama kali liat Pebby soalnya tomboy banget. Biasanya kan kalo orang tomboy itu mandiri ya eh ternyata berbanding terbalik dengan Pebby dia malah manja banget :)) Suka inget deh kalo dia lagi minta uang sama papahnya dengan gayanya yang ngerengek suka lucuuuuuuu :)) Tapi dia orangnya baik juga lohh .. Asik bangetlah pokonya :D Sekarang dia kuliah di Jepang . Miss you honey :*
Marissa Novitasari namanya . Riweuh dan ngga nyambung itulah dia . Temen kita yang satu ini kadang otaknya suka konslet haha taulah anak muda jaman sekarang haha .. Pasti ada hal lucu kalo bareng dia tapi kadang suka ngga nyambung . Dia adalah objek penderita kita semua hehe .. tapi bubun baik ya ngga pernah marah kalo kita cengin . malah dia suka bikin hal-hal aneh yang bikin kita ketawa .
Marissa Novitasari namanya . Riweuh dan ngga nyambung itulah dia . Temen kita yang satu ini kadang otaknya suka konslet haha taulah anak muda jaman sekarang haha .. Pasti ada hal lucu kalo bareng dia tapi kadang suka ngga nyambung . Dia adalah objek penderita kita semua hehe .. tapi bubun baik ya ngga pernah marah kalo kita cengin . malah dia suka bikin hal-hal aneh yang bikin kita ketawa .
Ini Imma Siti Mutmainah Ar tapi kita manggil dia Imma atau Mamut.
Dia orangnya baik, care semuanya pokonya tapi awas ya jangan sesekali deketin dia kalo lagi bete .. ni anak satu kadang suka nyebelin haha .. Inget dulu waktu dia suka sama salah satu senior dikampus . Lucu banget deeehhh .. Haha tapi lupakan sekarang bukan waktunya membahas itu .. Imma tuhh paling sering deh berantem sama Icha. Berantem bukan dalam arti cakar-cakaran ya tapi ya gitulah pada ngomel-ngomel haha .. Tapi ntar juga baikan lagi kok udah biasa kaya gituuuu ..
Ini Asri Ayi Lestari tapi kita manggil dia Ayu . Dia orangnya kalem banget diantara anak-anak yang lainnya. Mungkin bisa di bilang dia paling alim ya diantara kita semua hehe .. Ayu orangnya baik juga. Dulu dia ngga pake kerudung tapi semenjak dia punya pacar (tapi bukan berarti karena pacarnya dia pake kerudung ya) dia mutusin buat pake kerudung ..
Ini namanya Suciati Hidajat .. Panggilannya Uchy aja . Dia paling kurus diantara anak-anak yang lainnya . Makanya cita-citanya pengen jadi model . Dia hobby banget foto-foto . Banyak banget koleksi fotonya. Dia juga sering dipanggil buat model foto temennya. Uchy juga sering ikut lomba model . Dia pernah masuk FTV di SCTV loh walaupun cuma piguran tapi dia enjoy ngejalanin semuanya karna udah jadi hobbynya.
Uchy anaknya baik .. kadang suka riweuh juga sih hehe ..
Ini namanya Yuyun Wuri Rosmawati. Itu foto dia bareng suaminya Angga. Dia udah ngeduluin kita nikah hehe .. Sekarang dia lagi hamil loh bentar lagi kita punya keponakan baruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu .....
Seneng banget yaaaa ngeliatnya hehe ..
Dia orangnya baikk .. Cina tapi bukan LOH ? Yaa maksudnya .. dia itu orang sunda asli tapi mukanya kaya orang chinese hehe padahal ga ada turunan sama sekali.
Yaaaaaaaaa itulah teman-temanku Rengganis Renger hehe ILOVEYOU my Best mwaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Yaaaaaaaaa itulah teman-temanku Rengganis Renger hehe ILOVEYOU my Best mwaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Tomomi Kitayama in kilts, Paris Fashion Week
Man skirts & Kilt wearing during Paris Fashion Week
The cool factor and swag was turned way up every time we saw this gentleman during Paris fashion week. I mean, come on it takes confidence to wear man skirts / kilts! He did it like a Boss; cigarette in hand, gold pinkie rings and a charismatic smile.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Fashion !
I wanna post about fashion :) What do you think about fashion ? Fashion has become a part of life . With fashion we can express ourself . Fashion is the important things to lifestyle. Fashion is also following the development time . Fashion can change quickly. Some cities are considered as the center of world fashion is New York, Milan,Paris, and London i think also Korea is the center of world fashion.
Many women who want to always look beautiful
Fashion references to anything That Isthe current trend in look and dress-up of a person. Fashion and lifestyle is that can not be in pisakan, so many women choose to always look beautiful, elegant and sexy in the eyes of men.Not infrequently the women changed all the appearance of an all-out to follow the trend of today. Starting from clothes, hair, and all appearance to look more attractive. Quite oftenwomen who spend money to make over herself. Maybe it will be for their own satisfaction.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Untuk Seorang Yang Telah Berjasa Bagiku :)
Di dedikasikan untuk seorang telah berjasa
Menjadikan aku seorang yang berjasa
menjadikan aku seorang yang berguna
untuk diriku dan orang lain.
Seseorang yang menjadikan anak-anak bangsa
mengerti akan ilmu
memahami semua ajaran hidup
seseorang yang lebih tinggi derajatnya dari pahlawan
dan kuanggap sebagai orang tuaku,
Selamat jalan sang guruku
Semoga amal mu diterima oleh yang Maha Kuasa
Jasa mu takkan pernah ku Lupakan.
Selamat Jalan Ibu Iceu :)
Haha who is he ? do you think he is handsome or not ? :)
let's guess who is he?
Okelah I wanna tell you about him :) He's name is Andhika Adhitya . You just called him Dhika that's enough . He's very very like EAT hahaaa see his body .. looks big haha ..
He's my boyfriend
I was met him hmmmm .. maybe 2 years ago I forgot haha ..
I will abbreviate the story . tea garden last years, many many memories between me and him that exsist there . April 2, 2010 was the moment that never be forgotten . He said "would you be my girl?"
I was happy and surprised with what he said . not much time to think and I said yes :) 1 year and 1 month we had together and I hope we will still until later :) Everlasting AMIIIIINNNNNNNN ..
I was happy and surprised with what he said . not much time to think and I said yes :) 1 year and 1 month we had together and I hope we will still until later :) Everlasting AMIIIIINNNNNNNN ..
The cigarettes was only made me calm
It's my Best Friend
She’s name is Lia Ichwan Noor :) She’s my beloved friend . I knew her when I was in senior high school. We know on a social networking called MIG33 . I first use MIG33 and when I went into a room named Bandung17 yes Bandung17 and I still remember it till now. I saw a name is liaaa. Then I was private with her and a lot of things we are start to talking about school, the family until the problem of love. I’d never got a good friends like her where when I’m sad she’s always there for me. We were good friends until now and nothing has changed at all from her :)
Marry You
It’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go,
No one will know,
Come on girl.
Who cares if we’re trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow,
Shots of patron,
And it’s on girl.
Don’t say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we’ll go, go, go, go-go.
If you’re ready, like I’m ready.
Cause it’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
I’ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh,
So whatcha wanna do?
Let’s just run girl.
If we wake up and you wanna break up that’s cool.
No, I won’t blame you;
It was fun girl.
Don’t say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we’ll go, go, go, go-go.
If you’re ready, like I’m ready.
Cause it’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Just say I do,
Tell me right now baby,
Tell me right now baby. x2
Cause it’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you
Friday, May 13, 2011
Beachy Hair - Katrina's secret - Shhhh.....
I waited for this video SO long!! I can't explain you how I was amazed when I first saw Katrina's beachy hair (in one of videos few months ago), it's absolutely amazing!
I mean, you can see it by yourself, and understand what I'm talking about ^^
Here is tutorial!
(and also, there's giveaway if you want to join)
Check out their site, youtube channel, twitter
P.S. Were you able to use Blogger yesterday? xoxo
Sunday, May 8, 2011
9 tips for healthy hair! / 9 saveta za zdravu kosu!
We all want beautiful, strong, shiny and healthy hair, right? Well, here are few tips, enjoy reading! Don't forget to subscribe and leave comment :) xoxo
1. Always protect your hair! Heat has a negative impact over the hair. Your hair will be dry and you'll have split ends if you don't use heat protector. Dry hair is difficult to style, to solve that problem you just have to use protection sprays, they will protect hair from the extreme heat. Use them every time whether you're blow-drying it, straightening it or curling it.
2. Maybe you noticed that your hair isn't growing as much as it used to, you have to make sure to get all your essential vitamins and also to get regular trims. Massaging your scalp will stimulate the roots and blood circulation which helps with hair growth. Also, great thing for hair growth is castor oil. Before you start massaging your scalp, apply castor oil.
3. Nourish your hair regularly with hair masks. They will make your hair shiny, stronger and more beautiful. Note: use the ingredients your hair needs. You can buy masks in almost every store (where you can find other beauty items), or you can make one in your own home. Choose what's best option for you :)
4. Change type of shampoo you are using once in a while to keep your hair healthy. Anti-dandruff shampoos can dry out your hair, so try to alternate it with another shampoo to keep your scalp dandruff free, but soft and silky as well.
5. I found this tip on internet and it really works! - Sleep on a silk pillow! Silk will help to prevent hair from tangling during the night. Your hair will stay soft and smooth during the night. An alternative to using a silk pillow is using a silk head scarf.
6. Drink a lot of water and eat healthy food. If you eat fast food or drink soda every day, that will show up on your hair (and your skin too). You can find delicious and HEALTHY food you'll enjoy eating. Don't destroy your body while you're young :)
7. Don't use hairbrush while your hair is wet, only when it's dry, or you'll damage your hair! And try to avoid plastic hairbrushes.
8. Stress play an important part in hair loss. So try to relax yourself with yoga, or shopping, blogging, dancing, or find something that you enjoy doing.
9. Brush your hair before shampooing. It will stimulate the scalp and promote blood flow to hair follicles.
Svi mi želimo prelepu, jaku, sjajnu i zdravu kosu, zar ne? Pa, evo nekoliko saveta, uživajte u čitanju!
Ne zaboravite da pratite ovaj blog, kao i da ostavite komentar :) xoxo
1. Uvek zaštitite svoju kosu! Toplina ima negativan uticaj na kosu. Vaša kosa će se osušiti i pojaviće se rascvetali krajevi ako ne koristite sprejeve za zaštitu od toplote. Suvu kosu je teško stilizovati, da bi rešili taj problem samo treba da koristite već spomenute sprejeve, koji će štititi kosu od toplote. Koristite ih svaki put kada sušite, ravnate ili kovrdžate kosu.
2. Možda ste primetili da vaša kosa ne raste onoliko kao nekad, vodite računa o tome da unesete sve bitne vitamine, ali takođe i da se redovno šišate. Masiranje temena će stimulirati cirkulaciju krvi što će pomoći rastu vaše kose. Takođe, super stvar za rast kose je ricinusovo ulje. Pre nego što počnete masirati teme nanesite ricinusovo ulje.
3. Redovno negujte kosu maskama. One će učiniti vašu kosu sjajnom, jačom i lepšom. Napomena: koristite sastojke koji su potrebni vašoj kosi. Možete kupiti maske u gotovo svakoj prodavnici (gde se mogu pronaći i drugi proizvodi za lepotu), ili možete napraviti u sopstvenoj kući. Odaberite ono što je najbolja opcija za vas :)
4. Promenite vrstu šampona koji koristite s vremena na vreme kako bi održali vašu kosu zdravom. Anti-perut šamponi mogu isušiti vašu kosu, pa pokušajte da ih menjate sa drugim šamponima koji će učiniti kosu mekom i svilenkastom.
5. Našla sam ovaj savet na internetu i stvarno je super! - Spavanje na jastuku (jastučnici) od svile! Vaša kosa će ostati meka i glatka tokom noći. Alternativa je korišćenje svilenog šala.
3. Redovno negujte kosu maskama. One će učiniti vašu kosu sjajnom, jačom i lepšom. Napomena: koristite sastojke koji su potrebni vašoj kosi. Možete kupiti maske u gotovo svakoj prodavnici (gde se mogu pronaći i drugi proizvodi za lepotu), ili možete napraviti u sopstvenoj kući. Odaberite ono što je najbolja opcija za vas :)
4. Promenite vrstu šampona koji koristite s vremena na vreme kako bi održali vašu kosu zdravom. Anti-perut šamponi mogu isušiti vašu kosu, pa pokušajte da ih menjate sa drugim šamponima koji će učiniti kosu mekom i svilenkastom.
5. Našla sam ovaj savet na internetu i stvarno je super! - Spavanje na jastuku (jastučnici) od svile! Vaša kosa će ostati meka i glatka tokom noći. Alternativa je korišćenje svilenog šala.
6. Pijte puno vode i jedite zdravu hranu. Ako jedete brzu hranu ili pijete gazirana pića svaki dan, to će se odraziti i na vašoj kosi (takođe i na vašoj koži). Možete pronaći ukusnu i zdravu hrana koju ćete voleti. Nemojte uništiti svoje telo dok ste još mladi :)
7. Ne koristite četku/češalj za kosu dok vam je kosa mokra, samo kad je suva, ili ćete oštetiti kosu! I pokušajte izbeći plastične četke za kosu.
8. Stres igra važnu ulogu u gubitku kose. Dakle, pokušajte se opustiti s jogom, ili šopingom, blogovanjem, plesom, ili pronađite nešto u čemu ćete uživati.
9. Očešljajte kosu pre pranja. To će poboljšati cirkulaciju temena, što povoljno utiče na vlasi kose.
7. Ne koristite četku/češalj za kosu dok vam je kosa mokra, samo kad je suva, ili ćete oštetiti kosu! I pokušajte izbeći plastične četke za kosu.
8. Stres igra važnu ulogu u gubitku kose. Dakle, pokušajte se opustiti s jogom, ili šopingom, blogovanjem, plesom, ili pronađite nešto u čemu ćete uživati.
9. Očešljajte kosu pre pranja. To će poboljšati cirkulaciju temena, što povoljno utiče na vlasi kose.
healthy hair,
zdrava kosa
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