Thursday, June 30, 2011

World Fashion | Online Fashion Degrees

Online fashion degrees - Welcome to online fashion degrees where you can find a wide variety of fashion degrees, online fashion degrees, fashion merchandising degrees, and online fashion design schools! Check out the top universities and colleges offering online fashion degrees now.

If you’ve ever dreamed of a career in fashion then now is the time to start down the road that will train you in the tools you will need to succeed in the fashion industry. There are plenty of options for breaking into the fashion industry, but earning a online fashion degrees is one of the better methods because you will learn store design, visual merchandising, retail management, fashion design, or any of the many different career opportunities available in the fashion industry.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

World Fashion | Rihanna is A New Fashion Designer

While being at the Gucci catwalk show at Milan Fahion week, Rihanna told WWD that she is working on her own fashion collection.

She is to design a series of outfits, which have already splashed in fashion earlier this year when she created a design for charity.

I can’t say when it will be released, but it’s definitely going to happen,”

I’m not one to rush into anything. I want to take my time.”

Rihanna who is the latest spokeswoman for Gucci, shoot her first advertising campaign with the brand over the summer and it is said to run in publications later this Fall.

Rihanna took part in a project called ‘Fashion Against Aids’ in which she teamed up with the H&M chain to design a line that included hoodies and T-shirts.

Also, she partnered with Totes to design a collection of fashion-conscious umbrellas.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

World Fashion | Fashion Designing and Interior Designing

Fashion designing and interior designing are two options for a student having a creative skills and an aptitude for design. A choice between the two is purely one’s call depending on where one wants to use his creativity.

Fashion Designing Diploma Course

There are various diploma courses in Fashion designing. The time period of these courses will vary according to the preferred field of study. The main aim of this course is to provide students with the basis of drawing through all the explanations as well as elements given to them so that they can later reproduce a style that is entirely their own. A candidate who seeks to join the fashion designing course must have a pass in class 12. Those students who are going to write their final years exams are also suitable to apply.

The admission into the course is done by means of a situation test. Students who clear this will then be called in for an interview and group discussion. Students of fashion designing can get jobs into posts like:
  • Cutting assistant
  • Fabric designer
  • Fashion consultant
  • Fashion designer
  • Sketching assistant
  • Textile designer

A few of the leading institutes in India that offer courses in Fashion designing are International Institute of Fashion Design, Delhi; National Institute of Fashion Technology (has centres across the country), Pearl Academy, New Delhi; National Institute of Fashion Design, Delhi and many more. Those who have experience in this field can start their own boutique or fashion designing company.

Diploma Course in Interior Designing

The main aim of the interior designing course is to provide students with the technical knowledge, artistic awareness, imagination and outlook that are wanted for this profession. Students who have cleared their class 12 can apply for this course. There are lots of career prospects available for students who have finished their studies. Many leadings firms in the field of interior designing like Cozy Interiors Private Limited, Space Design Consultants, Archkons etc offers excellent career opportunities to candidates with a degree in fashion designing. Their roles could be:
  • Architect
  • Draftsman
  • Interior design lecturers
  • Portfolio director
  • Production supervisor
  • Project engineer
  • Showroom manager

In addition to this, it is also possible for candidates to get jobs with the government sector. Those who wish to start their job independently will find that interior design can be a very rewarding profession.

Key difference between Fashion Designing and Interior Designing

Both fashion designing and interior designing has a big importance in our society. While fashion designing deals with the application of trendy or classical designs on clothes to make them more presentable, interior design is the application of creative as well as technical solutions as to make the interior environment of a structure more attractive. Comparatively interior designing could be more technical compared to fashion designing.

Which diploma course is better? Fashion designing or Interior designing

Students who desire to pursue a job in fashion designing in fashion designing firms can opt for this; and those whom like to pursue a career in architecture and structural designing can go for a course in interior designing.

Monday, June 27, 2011

World Fashion | Snappers happy at new photo gallery

THIS is the first look inside the new home of the Photographers' Gallery.

The four-storey centre off Oxford Street is a taster of the full-blown £15.5 million space due to open on the site in 2011.

The £250,000 temporary transformation opens tomorrow and includes dedicated space for galleries, studying and print-buying as well as a café.

It will be open for 18 months before it is demolished to be rebuilt in an eight-storey incarnation but it is already in strong contrast with the old gallery founded in 1971 in Great Newport Street.

There, cramped facilities meant visitors to the shows had to mingle with café users. The first exhibitions include photographs from the archives showing night scenes of Soho from the Thirties to Fifties and lost pubs and clubs including the Cat's Whiskers, where they began the trend for hand dancing as it was too small for proper jiving.

Upstairs, are large portraits of transvestites and other marginalised residents of San Francisco by American artist Katy Grannan.

Clare Grafik, the curator, said the new home was "brilliant" and added: "How exciting it is to have a space whose only purpose is as a gallery."

The gallery at 16-18 Ramillies Street is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday with late viewing until 8pm on Thursday and Friday.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

World Fashion | Why go to fashion school?

You are creative. You can sew. You have a sketchbook of designs the Hilton sisters will drool over. So, why go to fashion school? There are many reasons:

1. You will be taught.

The study of fashion design involves hands-on training, so, yes, you can prepare yourself by developing many skills on your own. However, when you choose to pursue a fashion design degree, you are choosing to be taught.

What does this mean? You will interact with instructors and professors who will teach you new and advanced skills. You will be critiqued and your technique will be perfected through exchanges with other students.As a fashion design student, you will have the time and opportunity to hone and perfect your craft without the pressures of clients and your career.

2. You will be inspired.

Who will you encounter in fashion school? Other talented, excited, inspired young artists. Design school affords fashion students the opportunity to experiment and feed off of the energy and innovation of other students. In our opinion, this experience can only make your own design work better.

3. You will be prepared.

The challenges and obstacles of earning your fashion design degree will thoroughly prepare you for the fast-paced, “so five minutes ago” fashion industry. Also, your courses and class projects will give you an opportunity to build out a diverse portfolio of your student work, which make your skills more marketable.

4. You will get a job.

Yes, it is true, and quite possibly the most important reason you should go to fashion school. What distinguishes you from the leagues of other creative, skilled seamstresses? Your degree! Employers want designers who can commit to work hard and achieve success – two abilities obtaining a degree proves you have.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Savet za citateljku Jacu :)

Draga Jelena, divan blog...slazem se sa svim napisanim.
Ja i sama muku mucim - 33 su mi godine, posao, porodica a i slatko volim sve me to dovelo do ruznih 70 kg na visinu 165 :(
Pokusavam sa Low carb ali uvijek tokom dana pojedem i voce neko ili light puding...kile ne idu na dolje...u cemu grijesim...Krecem se - ruku na srce ne vjezbam...par pokusaja al ljenost preovladava....
Pratim te pisi samo, pozz Jaca

Draga Jaco, izvini što ti pre nisam odgovorila, ali evo sada imam vremena.

Ja Low carb ishranu ne podržavam, pre svega zato što organizmu su potrebni ugljeni hidrati. Naravno, Low carb može biti smernica tvojoj ishrani, to je sasvim u redu. Na primer: ugljene hidrate jedi za dorucak, za ručak pomešaj sa proteinima, a za večeru samo proteine. Razlog ovome je to što ugljene hidrate ćeš u toku dana potrošiti, bilo da sediš i radiš ili se krećeš i vežbaš. Ako za večeru imaš ugljene hidrate, tvoj organizam neće moći da ih u potpunosti sagori, što znači da će se pretvoriti u mast, a to ne želiš. Zato ti pre preporučujem ovakvu ishranu pre nego Low carb. A da, i voće nemoj jesti posle 16-17h.
Nemoj sebi da uskraćuješ ono što voliš, jer ćeš se osećati loše, pa ćeš odustati, a to nije tvoja želja, zar ne? Dopusti sebi ponekad da uživaš u normalnoj količini čokolade, torte, pudinga, sladoleda, znači pojedi šta želiš, ali nemoj preterivati. Telo će ti biti zahvalno na ovakvim obrocima, sve dok nisu prečesti.
Što se tiče vežbanja, sada su lepe letnje noći, izađi svako veče, prošetaj sa prijateljima ili sama, ako nađeš vremena brzi hod je savršena stvar za mršavljenje.
Izbegavaj alkohol i gazirana pića, večera neka ti bude tri sata pred spavanje, nemoj nikako da gladuješ pa da ti  poslednji obrok bude npr. u 18h a da legneš u krevet u 00:00, to nikako ne valja. Pij dosta tečnosti, pogotovo sada jer je toplo. Još jedan savet: zapisuj sve što pojedeš, ali baš sve! Tako ćeš imati uvid u čemu grešiš, ako ponekad pojedeš nešto neplanirano. A i dokazano je da oni koji vode dnevnik ishrane više obraćaju pažnju na to što pojedu.
Ako kuvaš, trudi se da koristiš što manje masti/ulja, probaj da praviš što zdraviju hranu. Veruj mi, zdrava hrana može biti ukusna, samo isprobavaj i naćićeš ono što odgovara i tebi i porodici. Ako ti zatrebaju recepti, obrati se meni, imam ih podosta, i da su Low carb a i da nisu :
Još jedan savet: Prvu stvar ujutro što uradi je da izmeriš obime i zapišeš ih, kao i da se slikaš. To čuvaj u kompjuteru ili u svesci, kako god ti je draže. Za mesec dana ponovo isto uradi i uporedi rezultate. Na vagu nemoj obraćati toliku pažnju, ona nekad voli da se igra sa nama i našim živcima :D 
Najbolji osećaj će biti kada staneš u neke pantalone koje nisi mogla pre obući, i neka ti to bude motivacija. Takođe te i đoping može motivisati, kao i neke rečenice, slike... nađi ono što te inspiriše i nadam se da ćeš doći do svog cilja! (Jedna moja drugarica je kupila haljinu koja je barem nekoliko broja manja od veličine koju nosi, zakačila ju je na zid da je svaki dan može gledati, i za dva meseca ostvarila cilj. Evo sada ponosno nosi tu haljinu. Tako da, sve se može kad se hoće, samo treba biti uporan!)
Nadam se da nisam nešto izostavila što je bitno, ako imaš neko pitanje rado ću ti odgovoriti.

World Fashion | Online Fashion College

Partaking online schooling has been the latest trend among professionals which not only saves plenty of their time but also guarantees a degree, with all its parts virtually, if at all they could not avail traditional college courses. One can learn anything under the sun through distance schooling, online. In this case Fashion Schools are the ones that may even be thought about because it may not be the case where you can receive a proper college in your locale, or even in case you live somewhere remote, where travelling might be a controversy, you need to have a set up for an online connection and over on along with your study.

Online courses are chiefly for professionals who shall not must compromise with their regular hours of work but can also take up the courses of their choice online. Say, individuals who work in fashion or textile designing industries can always opt for other degrees which would enhance their CV, so in such cases, they don’t must resign from their existing work.

All of us must do a lot with fashion in our day to day lives, and there’s plenty of people among us who need to pursue fashion designing as their career. The traditional Fashion Colleges are pricey, but getting through a nice online coursework where you will get the same modules and same practicals can be thought about a nice option.

The Fashion Funda

There’s a few options which an online coursework shall provide to you and you ought to be able to pick the relevant ones, for Fashion Schools in the net.

This career incorporates plenty of hard work and has several facets, options and courses of specialization. You must be aware of your goals before you step in to a coursework, and in order to be positive of it you can talk to a career counselor or the support the Fashion Schools you pick online gives you.

Time management would not be much of an issue because you would be given coursework materials and assignments and you will be allotted a specific date by which you need to give it up.

Know-how is a must, and since you will must attend seminars etc. it is recommended you have the whole preliminary set ups, with that of a webcam, headsets, mic and as well as a nice net connection.

Initially, you will must go through positive number of assignments and courses, and doing well in them ought to be your aim. You shall must get internships later.

You must know how to sketch, draw and sew. You must be able to revise them, and gradually create your own portfolio of designs.

Fashion Schools Online also give you thoroughly recognized and accredited degrees. You may pick the Fashion School you desire, either some foreign school or even government school, which can give you a proper diploma or a bachelor’s or master’s degree even.

Friday, June 24, 2011

World Fashion | Online Fashion Design School

If you ask yourself: "Should I study at a online fashion design school ?" Here are a few things you should know that you can help your decision. First, the CBA identified by studying online fashion design school. This kind of education cuts many of the costs associated with school, such as gas for residential, a parking pass and other school related items that you add in price. Even if you research online, you can tackle courses at your own pace and focus on your studies online fashion design school if you have time. In answer to the question: "Should I study at a online fashion design school?" You can be a good reason to do it if you have other pressing engagements.

World Fashion | Fashion Clothing for Teens

Fashion Clothing

Fashion clothing does not mean expensive designer wears but any piece of garment that will make you look like a fashion diva. A slim harem pant paired with a lacy tank top with black or beige oxfords is extremely stylish. Complete the look with a robust black watch and a cocoon cardigan. If you want a more elegant style, go for the classic American style. For this style pick up a black peplum dress, pair it up with a drapey cardigan. Top it up with a jeweled necklace and black high heels for the fabulous retro look.

For a soft velvety smooth look try a pale pink lace tank top and pair it with an off-white bandage skirt, for your feet loud pink or green suede pumps are perfect fits. Accessorizing with a big floral headband and a floral pattern engraved ring will compliment the attire. Therefore, you see fashion clothing is all about how fashionable you can get with simple line of clothing.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

World Fashion | Fashion Style 2011

The royal wedding served as a public viewing of traditional pomp and cutting-edge Brit-style, from Kate Middleton's classic wedding dress to ...Royal wedding fashion: Style verdicts on the fashion winners and Covering the world of fashion, designers, models, celebrities, beauty, and shopping. Comprehensive runway reviews, images, videos, and insider ...The latest news in shopping and fashion trends today. Find out what to wear ...Ongoing fashion and style news and reviews, along with Bill Cunningham's On the Street, slide shows and other multimedia. What's Your Fashion Style? Find out what your likes and dislikes say about your signature fashion style.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kamu Memang Benar (feat. Angga)

aku terlelap jauh masih di sini tanpamu

tak ada terang lagi masih di sini tanpamu
ku juga semakin jauh masih di sini tanpamu
ku harap kau pun tahu tersiksa aku tanpamu

tlah ku coba tuk bisa melupakanmu, perasaan hatiku

sungguh memang begitu berat batinku, melupakan dirimu


kamu memang benar, tak akan ada yang lain
cinta sepertimu tak ku dapat lagi
kamu memang benar, tak bahagia ku dengan yang lain
cinta sepertimu tak ku dapat lagi

repeat reff 
cinta sepertimu tak ku dapat lagi

Really really liked this song repeat terus sampe mampus  

World Fashion | Fashion Summer Dresses

“I am inspired by the character of the worker, the farmer, the cowboy, the pioneer women of the prairies,” Ralph Lauren wrote in his program notesof sring summer 2010 New York Fashion Week. Vintage floral print dresses, white cotton, drop-dead gowns, Lauren’s theme was centered around the early 20th century laborer.

Fashion Summer Dresses 2010

Dresses are a wonderfully flexible way to feel feminine and confident, and at Debenhams you’ll discover a wide range of dresses from renowned designers.

Summer is almost here and this is when you should be looking for that perfect summer dress 2010.Slipping into a gorgeous dress is guaranteed to make you feel special no matter the style, from flirty floral dresses to maxi dresses, party frocks to maternity dresses.

summer dresses made from natural material like cotton are a bit more expensive than those dresses made from synthetic material like nylon and vinyl. But the summer is hot anyway, synthetic material will only make it worst!

Fashion is anything but constant; therefore, all fashion-adoring women have to remain updated with latest trends to keep up with the newest fashion trends. This summer halters, short and long spaghetti and strap spaghetti dresses top the wish list of fashionable ladies who want to wear comfy beach dresses that allow the sun to kiss their skin.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

World Fashion | Promotional Modeling Agencies

The Life of A Promo Model

Promotional models which are also called brand ambassadors, are people who are hired by an event staffing company and needed drive consumer demand for a particular brand, company, product or service. Promotional models can be male or female, and anywhere between the ages of 18 to 65+. You don't have to look like a high fashion model to get booked for the best promo jobs, but a well-groomed appearence, positive and professional personality, and reliability is key in order to make money in promotions.

Being a promo model or brand ambassador has its benefits. Because you are generally a self0employed independent contractor, you are free to take jobs when you can (making promotions an ideal job for people seeking to supplement their income, models and actors, teens and college students, and young mothers).

Types of Promotions

There are many different types of promo modeling opportunities for different types of personalities and skill levels. Convention or spokesmodels are the highest paid promo models (making over $50 an hour). Agencies seeking convention models are highly selective and often go for a certain type of look. Convention models generally look like fashion or glamor models and articulate, professional and well-groomed. Convention models act as brand ambassador to educate and create awareness about a product/company/service in large business convention settings. Other types of promotions include nightclub promoters, product demonstrators (think in-store demonstrations and food sampling) and guerrilla-style marketing (involving a team of brand ambassadors at large public events). In order to book these types of jobs, you must sign up with as many promotional agencies.

Where to Find Promotional Modeling Jobs

Finding legitimate promotional modeling jobs takes a little work and research. Newbies need to conduct an online search for legitimate promotional model agencies by typing in "event staffing agencies" or "promotional modeling agencies."

Promotional Model Agencies, Promotional Models and Fashion Models: Get Work. Network. and are online resources that post legitimate promotional agency info, casting call and promotional jobs daily. These websites give models the opportunity to network with industry professionals to improve their chances of getting selected for more work.